SMS Error Codes

Modified on Tue, Jan 21 at 10:00 AM

CodeDescriptionFriendly DescriptionExplanation Of Error
4001service-not-allowedMessage was rejected for reasons other than those covered by other 4xxx codesThis is a general error that the service you are attempting to use is not allowed; you may have inaccurate permissions, formatting or may not be enable to use that service.
4301malformed-invalid-encodingMalformed message encodingThe message contains invalid characters that are not supported. Bandwidth cannot re-encode message for destination.
4302malformed-invalid-from-numberMalformed From numberThe From number associated with the message is a number not routable to a carrier or valid in the industry (Ex: a 9 digit number).
4303malformed-invalid-to-numberMalformed To NumberThe To number associated with the message is a number not routable to a carrier or valid in the industry (Ex: a 9 digit number).
4350malformed-for-destinationMalformed message encodingMessage passed validation on receive stage, but failed on send. This is likely because the destination number (To) is an invalid number.
4360message-not-sent-expiration-date-passedMessage expiredMessage was not sent because the specified expiration date passed before the message was able to send
4401rejected-routing-errorBW is unable to route the messageMessage is unable to be routed within Bandwidth particularly when the source and destination are the same number. The destination or To number is mis-provisioned or there is a configuration with the message that is causing a situation where a message is being sent repeatedly between the same numbers.
4403rejected-forbidden-from-numberMessaging forbidden on From numberMessaging on this From number is forbidden most commonly because the number does not belong to BW or the account. Other reasons include: the TN is not enabled in the Bandwidth Dashboard, the account associated with this number is not enabled for this type of messaging, the TN is disconnected, or it is an invalid number (i.e., 11111111111).
4404rejected-forbidden-to-numberMessaging forbidden on To numberMessaging to this To number is forbidden. This could be that the destination number is not active, not enabled for messaging, or is an invalid number (i.e. 11111111111). It may also mean one or more of the recipients in a group message is not valid(i.e. one of the recipients is a TFN orSC).
4405rejected-unallocated-from-numberUnallocated from numberThe From telephone number is considered unallocated when the number does not exist in our database as an active number. This number is either not enabled for messaging at the industry level, or the number is not yet released in the industry
4406rejected-unallocated-to-numberUnallocated to numberThe To number associated with this message, while a valid North American number, is not yet assigned to a carrier and the message cannot be sent downstream.
4407rejected-account-not-defined-from-numberFrom Number is associated with accountUndefined source account id. The From number associated with this message is not associated with this account, is an invalid number or not configured appropriately to send messages.
4408rejected-account-not-defined-to-numberTo Number not associated with accountUndefined destination account id. The To (destination) number is not associated with an account, is an invalid number or not configured correctly to receive messages.
4409rejected-invalid-from-profileInvalid destination profileBandwidth failed to create destination. The destination profile is considered invalid, most often this is because the destination number does not support MMS.
4410media-unavailableCould not download mediaThere was an error retrieving the media from the media web server. Check the media URL and try to access directly to see if the media can be fetched successfully.
4411rejected-message-size-limit-exceededCombined size of media too largeThe total size of MMS message media/attachments exceeded the max file size supported
4412media-content-invalidFailed to parse Content-Type for mediaThe media content type is not a supported media content type.
4420rejected-carrier-does-not-existNo Route to Destination CarrierThe upstream carrier associated with the message does not exist in Bandwidth configuration
4421rejected-forbidden-no-destinationNo Route to Destination CarrierThe message cannot be sent downstream as the account associated with the message does not have permission to send to this destination. You may not be provisioned to send to this destination.
4431rejected-forbidden-shortcodeMessaging on shortcode forbiddenThe message cannot be sent as the account associated with the message is not provisioned for Short code messaging
4432rejected-forbidden-countryMessaging to country forbiddenBandwidth system indicates the account associated with the message is not enabled for messaging this zone, this country or this country is outside of messaging reach (specifically for MMS).
4433rejected-forbidden-tollfreeMessaging on Toll Free Number ForbiddenThe account associated with this message is not enabled for toll free messaging
4434rejected-forbidden-tollfree-for-recipientMessaging to Toll Free Number ForbiddenMessaging to this toll free number is not allowed. Number is likely not enabled for messaging or not active.
4435forbidden-too-many-recipientsToo Many RecipientsThe group message has too many recipients. When sending Group Messages, there's a maximum of 10 participants in a Group.
4451rejected-wrong-user-idInvalid User IdThe user id is not a valid id. Verify the user ID and retry the message
4452rejected-wrong-application-idInvalid Application IDThe Application ID specified is not a valid Application Id, or the Application ID is not associated with the account
4470rejected-spam-detectedRejected as SPAMThis message has been filtered and blocked by Bandwidth for spam. Messages can be blocked for a variety of reason, including but not limited to volumetric filtering, content blocking, SHAFT violation, etc.
4476blocked-unregisteredSource TN is UnregisteredThe source TN is not registered to a 10DLC campaign.
4481rejected-from-number-in-blacklistFrom Number in black listThe From number has been flagged by Bandwidth as prohibited from sending messages. This is typically because Bandwidth or a downstream carriers has several violations; reports of spam, P2P violations, associated with this number.
4482rejected-to-number-in-blacklistTo Number in black listThe number you are attempting to send to is blocked from receiving messages.
4492reject-emergencyMessage to emergency number forbiddenMessaging to an emergency number is forbidden
4493rejected-unauthorizedUnauthorizedBandwidth service indicates the sender is not authorized to send messages from the account.

Carrier Reported Client Errors

CodeDescriptionFriendly DescriptionExplanation Of Error
4700invalid-service-typeCarrier Rejected as Invalid Service TypeCarrier rejected message for invalid service type. This usually means messaging (SMS or MMS) is not supported by the carrier or handset.
4701destination-service-unavailableDestination is not reachable and SMS service is not available.Carrier service is reporting the destination is not reachable or the SMS service is not available. 
4702destination-subscriber-unavailableDestination subscriber is unavailable.This error indicates the subscriber is unavailable. There are several reasons for this; the subscriber has turned off handset, the destination is unreachable or barred, the GSM subscriber is busy for outbound SMS, SIM card is full, voicemail is full, or cannot reach the destination handset and has stored the message for retry in its « Store & Forward » function. 
4711rejected-message-size-limit-exceededMedia size too largeDownstream vendor cannot retrieve the media as the MMS attachment is too large
4712media-content-invalidThe media content type is not supportedThe media content type is not supported.
4720invalid-destination-addressCarrier Rejected as Invalid Destination AddressCarrier Rejected as Invalid Destination Address. This could mean the number is not in the numbering plan (area code does not exist or the number is just invalid) or the number is not enabled for messaging (like a landline). Additionally, for toll free messages to TMobile, this could also mean the user has opted to block all toll free and short code traffic
4721destination-tn-deactivatedTN on deactivation listThe phone number you are attempting to send to is on the deactivation list. It is not associated with a carrier to be able to receive messages or is inactive.
4730no-route-to-destination-carrierNo route to destination carrier or no roaming route exists.Carrier is reporting there is no route available for message. This could be because no routing exists to destination, no roaming route is available, the destination handset is roaming on a network that cannot be reached, no SS7 route, or routing was denied
4740invalid-source-address-addressCarrier Rejected as Invalid Source AddressCarrier is rejecting the message due to invalid source address - the number does not exist in the numbering plan. Other reasons for this error code is the source carrier is invalid or disabled or source not authorized or the number type is not supported.
4750destination-rejected-messageCarrier Rejected MessageThe destination carrier has rejected the message but provided no specific reason. For AT&T traffic, this could be a prepaid user whose account is out of money, a subscriber that is provisioned to not receive this type of SMS or it was identified as Spam
4751destination-rejected-message-size-invalidMessage is too long or message length is invalid for the carrier.Carrier has rejected for message length is invalid or too long.
4752destination-rejected-malformedMessage is malformed for the carrier.Carrier is rejecting the message malformed; this could be because of a blank message, unacceptable data value, the receiving SMSC or SME does not accept messages with more than 160 characters, syntax error, content is invalid, message ID is invalid, invalid parameter length, expected TLV missing, invalid TLV value, invalid data coding scheme, invalid number of destinations, error in the optional part of the PDU body, TLV not allowed, or XML validation error.
4753destination-rejected-handsetThe destination handset has rejected the messageThe handset has rejected the message
4770destination-spam-detectedCarrier Rejected as SPAMThe Carrier is reporting this message as blocked for SPAM. Spam blocks could be a result of content, SHAFT violations (including specific keywords), originating address has been flagged for repeated spam content
4771rejected-shortened-urlRejected due to shortened urlThere was an error with the shortened URL used. Bandwidth recommends customers obtain their own dedicated domain if shortened links are needed for their messaging campaign.
4772rejected-tn-blockedBlocked sender or receiverThis error indicates a blocked Sender or Receiver on the downstream platform. Please reach out to Bandwidth support so we can engage our vendor to determine which telephone number is blocked and why.
4773inactive-campaignCampaign inactive for destinationThe campaign this TN is assigned to is not active for the destination. Please check the status with TCR (The Campaign Registry). You will receive this error if the campaign is pending or rejected by the DCA or suspended by an MNO but the TN is still assigned to the campaign.
4774provisioning-issueIssue with TN provisioning in industry databaseThere is an issue with how the number is provisioned in the industry's database. There may be some components of 10DLC provisioning that are incorrect or missing. Please reach out to support to investigate and correct this issue.
4775destination-rejected-due-to-user-opt-outCarrier Rejected due to user opt outUser has opted out of receiving messages from a particular sender. Remove the destination TN from subscriber list and cease communication with the destination.
4780volume-violation-tmoT-Mobile rejected due to volumetric violationT-Mobile rejected due to volumetric violation. You have sent over the daily limit for your 10DLC Brand. Please review your Brand daily throughput limit to ensure you are not exceeding the approved volumes.
4781volume-violation-attAT&T rejected due to 10DLC volumetric violation or throttlingAT&T rejected due to volumetric violation. You have sent over the rate limit for your 10DLC campaign. Please review your campaign throughput limit to ensure you are not exceeding the approved volumes. This error can also indicate throttling by AT&T for other reasons, including high spam rates.
4785volumetric-violationCarrier rejected due to volumetric violationThe carrier rejected the message due to a volumetric violation. You have sent over the allotted limit and need to back off sending. Please retry after some time.
4790destination-rejected-sc-not-allowedCarrier Rejected Due to Short Code RestrictionCarrier Rejected Due to Short Code Restriction. Destination address blocked by mobile operator, destination cannot receive short code messages, or the mobile operator blocked the destination from receiving messages from this short code for some other reason.
4791destination-rejected-campaign-not-allowedCarrier Rejected Short Code Campaign Not AllowedCarrier Rejected SC Campaign Not Allowed or blocked by the mobile operator
4792destination-rejected-sc-not-provisionedCarrier Rejected Short Code Not ProvisionedShort Code not provisioned on mobile operator's network.
4793destination-rejected-sc-expiredCarrier Rejected Short Code ExpiredShort Code expired with the mobile operator
4795tfn-not-verifiedToll Free number is not verifiedThe message was blocked due to the toll free number not being verified. This can also be because there is SPAM on the unverified TFN. Submit TFN for verification as soon as possible.

Carrier Service Failures

A 5xx code indicates that either Bandwidth or the downstream carrier has reported a service failure. For Bandwidth failures, the customer can retry the request and expect a different result. For carrier errors a retry may also yield a different result however the customer should limit to a single retry attempt as the error encoding schema and strategy varies greatly by carrier and while Bandwidth endeavors to normalize carrier codes into predictable values there can be exceptions.

CodeDescriptionFriendly DescriptionExplanation Of Error
5100temporary-app-errorApplication ErrorAn application within the Bandwidth service is experiencing a temporary error that is preventing the message from being processed.
5101temporary-app-shutdownApplication ErrorApp going down. Message not received. Sender should send this messages later or to other host.
5106impossible-to-routeImpossible to route / Attempt to deliver through retries has failed.Impossible to route / Attempt to deliver through retries has failed.
5111temporary-app-connection-closedApplication ErrorReceived messaged for connection which is already removed.
5201temporary-rout-error-retries-exceededApplication ErrorBandwidth service expired the message after attempts to deliver through retries failed.
5211temporary-app-error-app-busyApplication ErrorBandwidth service application is temporarily busy so it cannot receive messages at this time
5220temporary-store-errorApplication ErrorMessage not received. Cannot save message to store.
5231discarded-concatenation-timeoutApplication ErrorBandwidth did not receive all parts of message. Message can not be sent.
5500message-send-failedGeneral Message Send FailureThe destination carrier has reported a general service failure with sending the message.
5501message-send-failedGeneral Message Send FailureThe message is unable to send as no destination is available.
5999unknown-errorUnknown error from BandwidthUnknown error generated by Bandwidth when Bandwidth core reports an unknown error

Carrier Reported Service Failures

CodeDescriptionFriendly DescriptionExplanation Of Error
5600destination-carrier-queue-fullCarrier Service UnavailableCarrier Service Unavailable. This could result from network congestion, messaging queue full on the vendor side, throttling error on the vendor side.
5610submit* sm-or-submit* multi-failedCarrier Service FailureThe downstream carrier application is experiencing an error. submitting the message has failed or cancelling message has failed
5620destination-app-errorCarrier Application ErrorThe carrier is reporting a general error associated with their application processing the message.
5630message-not-acknowleCarrier Application ErrorNACK - no response or acknowledgement received from the carrier
5650destination-failedCarrier Service FailureCarrier Service is reporting a failure to send to destination (mobile operator or handset).

Carrier Errors with Ambiguous Cause

CodeDescriptionFriendly DescriptionExplanation Of Error
9902delivery-receipt-expiredTimed out waiting for delivery receipt. The reason a delivery receipt was not received is not known.Bandwidth timed out waiting for the delivery receipt, this could be because the downstream provider did not send the requested delivery receipt or they sent after the system timed out at two hours.
9999unknown-errorUnknown error from downstream. Carrier reported a failure code that is unknown to Bandwidth.Bandwidth does not recognize the vendor's error response or does not have the vendor code mapped internally

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